Thursday, 12 June 2014


Hi Traders,
I'm running a double seminar in Newcastle for the ATAA on Saturday June 14, 2014. See the details below.


WHAT: 2 seminars + networking + tea, coffee & biscuits
ORGANISER: Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA)
WHERE: Kahibah Bowling Club, 63 Kenibea Av, Kahibah, NSW (Newcastle)
WHEN: Saturday June 14, 2014
WHAT TIME: 9.30am - tea, coffee & biscuits - to start at 10.15am till 3.00pm
NOTE: Access is available from 9.00am.
• $30 (for non members of the ATAA)
• FREE for ATAA members
• lunch is NOT included in the entry price
• due to contingencies seminars might subject to last minute changes 


• 9:30am: Coffee & chit-chat
• 10:15am: Welcome and Announcements - Dennis O’Flynn

• 10:20am - 10.45am - BRIEF WORKSHOP
Subject: Designing a $100K Portfolio by Ron Bowden & Peter McMahon

10:45am - 11.00am: BRIEF MARKET UPDATE
Subject: Where R We Now (World Indices) by Dennis O’Flynn

11:00am  - 11.30am: Coffee and Networking

11.30am - 1.00pm: SEMINAR 1, by Mario D. conti
Subject: The Wave Oscillator

1:00pm - 1.45pm: Lunch in Club Restaurant (optional)

1.45pm - 3.00pm: SEMINAR 2, by Mario D. Conti
Subject: Evolution of Automated Trading Systems

3:00pm: Meeting concludes

The Wave Oscillator
Can you really trust your favourite oscillator? Can you use it without any knowledge of Technical Analysis? 
Does it display stops and a trailing stops for each trade?Most of the existing oscillators are far too erratic and liable to a personal interpretation. 
However, this doesn't seem to apply to the Wave Oscillator created by Mario D. Conti in 2008. 
This seminar is about a new indicator capable of:
• displaying your Entry/Exit points
• displaying a stop and a trailing stop for each en-try
• keeping you out" when the trading conditions are not ideal
• easy to use without too much knowledge of technical analysis.

Evolution of Automated trading Systems
A new Investment Revolution is in the making and it's comparable to the one that occurred with mobile phones in the past 20 years. 
We are now living through the age of Automated Trading Systems, where the investment risk can be reasonably contained and the Annual Return on Investment (ROI) is higher than ever. 
• But what do we know about the history of Algorithmic Trading?
• What is happening right now in USA due to the High Frequency Trading Systems?
• What is good and bad with Flash Trading?
• And what do we know about the new Multi-System Portfolios?

Mario D. Conti
Mario D. Conti, Ba in Econ. & Biz., RG 146, ADA1, is a certified (non CFTe) Technical Analyst since 1989. 
With a past in Merrill Lynch and Indosuez Bank in Switzerland, he specialises in Wealth Management through Automated Trading Systems, Market Analysis and Trading Education and runs periodical seminars and webinars. 
Mario is the founder of 9 Trading Clubs in Australia with over 1000 members (see and recently started MDC Trading Systems ( 
He is also an ATAA board Director from Sydney, has a strong presence on social media and contributes with regular press releases to the Australian Media. 
Finally, he is the editor of a periodical Elliott Waves newsletter published on FX Tutors

Further information about ATAA Newcastle: Stephen Blacktop - 0410 413 972
Next meeting: Saturday, 12th July
Next Speaker: To be advised.

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